Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2024


We wish to inform you that Kentours Sacco membership recruitment drive is open. Anyone who recruits a new member to the Sacco will be paid an incentive as follows:

Membership Category



Compensation per New


Individual Members

1 Member

Ksh. 1,000 per new member

Registered Groups/Institutions

1 Group/Institution

Ksh. 3,000 per new group/institution

New Employer Units (To sign MOU with the Sacco on Check-off Deductions)

10 Members

Ksh. 500 per member joining through the employer


New members are required to fill details of the person who recruits them in the space provided on the Membership Application Form. The Incentives will be payable after the recruited member has paid Sacco contributions for 2 months.

The Sacco Board, Supervisory Committee and staff members are not eligible for the incentives scheme.

The Unit Representatives do not qualify except where they recruit from an Employer Unit which has not already signed an MOU with the Sacco.

Please contact the Sacco office for any clarification.

Thank you.

Philip Muchiri

Hon. Secretary